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How To make Adjustment in Adope Photoshop

Photoshop is a graphics editing program by Adobe   that is used by professionals and regular consumers.
It is usable on a variety of operating systems and is
available in a variety of languages. This program can be used to create images from scratch or to alter existing images. Photoshop skills are useful and can lead to gainful employment. You can get a degree or
take classes in the use of Photoshop or you can teach yourself to use the program using this and other tutorials.

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Method :          

  • Use filters. Filters, selected from the filter menu and applied to either the visible layer or selection, can be used to achieve a wide variety of effects. When each filter is chosen, a menu with a number of options will be brought up. You can experiment or look online for more details for each filter. [5]
    • For example, you can use the “gaussian blur” to significantly diffuse the pixel on a layer. The “add      noise”, “clouds”, and “texture” filters can give texture to your image. Other filters can be used to give dimension or distort images. You will simply have to experiment to find which is right for your project.

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  • Use levels. Levels allows you control of an image’s brightness, color balance and contrast by specifically defining absolute white and absolute black for a given image. This is complex and will require experimentation and practice to execute perfectly. Many tutorials can be found online. Open the levels window by clicking command/control+L. [6]

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  • Use curves. The curves menu allows you to adjust the tones within your image. Bring up this menu by clicking Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. You will see a line going diagonally across a box. The horizontal scale represents the input image and the vertical scale represents the output image. Click on the line to create anchor points and then drag those points to alter the tones in your image. This will give you more control over contrast than the contrast menu will. [7]

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  • Use transform tools. You can use the transform tools to scale, rotate, skew, stretch, or warp an image. This can be done to a selected area, an entire layer, or a series of layers. Access these tools by clicking Edit -> Transform. This will give you a submenu with a variety of options. Choose which is best for you. Experiment or look up tutorials on the web.[8]
    • Remember to press shift if you wish to keep proportions constrained while using transform tools.
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